Don't try this at home!

Friday, October 27, 2006

It's amazing what a piece of music can do.

I woke up with yet another need to lock myself away from the world, yet with my head held high i left the warmth of my bed (earlier than usual) and headed for the comfort of my sofa. (well, i tried)

I've been purchasing random pieces of music from iTunes for the past two days. Only roughly 8 tunes, so not much money out of the old account. I've been a big fan of teh old ones like Meat Loaf and Guns n' Roses and Bon Jovi etc, so i decided to get some of Meaty's songs. Imagine my surprise when i find out he's done an amazing cover of 'It's all coming back to me now' originally sung by Celine Dion.
It is truely wonderful... i recomend if you can find it to listen to it. I've always believed the man was an excellent singer, but this is... WOW!

I can assure you it'll be playing on my iPod and in the background while I tidy and walk around town.


  • At Saturday, October 28, 2006, Blogger ladyinpink said…

    Jo! I haven't even thought of that song in SUCH a long time, yet somehow, on the way back from dinner last night, I started to hum it. Are we on the same wavelength ... ?!

    As for Meat Loaf - do you mean this version?

    I also love his "I'd do anything for love (but I won't do that)" - see it on YouTube:

    Sam xx

  • At Monday, October 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tis I, le Duo.
    I love Bon Jovi and Meatloaf ,too!
    And I am sooooooooo soooorry for not talking to you much, but i have to go to the library for internet, and I am easily sidetracked. Do you watch One Piece? I love it. I just read the most recent manga chapter and OMG suddenly Luffy makes sense! I will try to talk to you more often, promise. It's just...books. And manga. But I will try!


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