Don't try this at home!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Oh what a world to take my breath away
From canyon deep to star above
All take their place to start the symphony
of a great big love

I've seen the valley from the mountaintop
Sailed cross the blue and back again
From east to west
Majestic tapestry I can't comprehend
(but that's not where I long to be)
(That's not where I long to be)
Vic Mignogna -Far from home

Thsi is just a very quick update. i have posted some more pictures of my gorgeous little man for your viewing pleasure. he's growing up so fast and so gorgeous. *smiles* i just can't stop kissing his gorgeous little cheeks. Even if he is a drooly boy! And i do mean William, not Kris! ^_^ I hope that works!


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