Don't try this at home!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Listen to your heart,
Before you tell him goodbye.

Ok. I'm ready to accept that, due to the growth of my baby and the weight i have been loosing, there is not alot of room left in my tummy. Fair enough. But that does not justify an attack of the limbs at half past 3 in the morning. I feel my baby is playing the Hockey Cockey in my stomach!
It started off as the odd feeling of something brushing my tummy, and has escalated to a full blown morse code performance. Do babies even know morse code?

Once the 'party' died down i was able to get back to sleep, but had wriggled around so much getting a comfortable spot that i was ill this morning. It didn't help that i had to indure the 'party' again at about half ten. I often think i'm missing out on something in there? I'm waiting for the music to start and party poppers to be let off. ^_^

Oh well, only 13/14 weeks to go, then the little darling can kick me for real. and be sick on me, and poo everywhere...
Oh joy. ^_^


  • At Thursday, February 01, 2007, Blogger ladyinpink said…

    Jo! Your writing is so funny. I am sorry to hear about the party in your tummy ... I guess you'll get an invite in fourteen weeks time. ;) Hope you're not too tired! Sam xx


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