Darth Vader: I sense something; a presence I've not felt since...
And then he just walks away! I mean, at least finish your sentance!
Over the next (well, four now) sundays, they are playing the Star Wars Movies on ITV. I couldn;t be happier. Though i have to admit i'd rather they were the original originals instead of the digitally re-mastered originals, but what you gonna do?
yep, i'm back. I was gone awhile (mainly because i'm a lazy S.O.B but also because i've been to a convention and i've been ill) I'm back at the hospital tomorrow for the jaw guard that should stop me from grinding my teeth, not that i think i do or that it will help, but go figure! I was supposed to be sorting something out for tuesday but i forgot to ring hte person and now it's to late and porbably too short notice so *shurgs* whatever.
William is getting massive. He's not great with the solid foods at the moment, but we're in no rush. He's currently attacking his blanket while wriggling and squeeling in his basket. I think he might be a bit worried by the fireworks, but he's not made any sign that they are specifically distubring him!
Got a family gathering next sunday (so i'll miss star wars *sulks*) at my aunt Adele's house. It's my cousin Laurens 17(?) birthday and It's going to be me, Mum, William, Grandad (fun) and adele's lot. kris is working an afternoon, so he can't tag along. I'm looking forwards to going down, but not looking forwards to seeing grandad. He has ways of lowering everyones mood.
Well, i think that's everything. not much happens in cassa del Cadd. Is that right? ah, who cares.
So, till the next time, whenever that may be!
And then he just walks away! I mean, at least finish your sentance!
Over the next (well, four now) sundays, they are playing the Star Wars Movies on ITV. I couldn;t be happier. Though i have to admit i'd rather they were the original originals instead of the digitally re-mastered originals, but what you gonna do?
yep, i'm back. I was gone awhile (mainly because i'm a lazy S.O.B but also because i've been to a convention and i've been ill) I'm back at the hospital tomorrow for the jaw guard that should stop me from grinding my teeth, not that i think i do or that it will help, but go figure! I was supposed to be sorting something out for tuesday but i forgot to ring hte person and now it's to late and porbably too short notice so *shurgs* whatever.
William is getting massive. He's not great with the solid foods at the moment, but we're in no rush. He's currently attacking his blanket while wriggling and squeeling in his basket. I think he might be a bit worried by the fireworks, but he's not made any sign that they are specifically distubring him!
Got a family gathering next sunday (so i'll miss star wars *sulks*) at my aunt Adele's house. It's my cousin Laurens 17(?) birthday and It's going to be me, Mum, William, Grandad (fun) and adele's lot. kris is working an afternoon, so he can't tag along. I'm looking forwards to going down, but not looking forwards to seeing grandad. He has ways of lowering everyones mood.
Well, i think that's everything. not much happens in cassa del Cadd. Is that right? ah, who cares.
So, till the next time, whenever that may be!
At Sunday, November 04, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Loved your description of "Grandad". Can totally empathise with that! And Tuesday's fine. xx
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