Fallen angels at my feet,
Whispered voices in my ear,
Death before my eyes
Lying next to me i fear.
Well, it's been a long and tiring week and it's only thursday.
The midwife appointment on monday showed my blood pressure was high and, on saturday, i had experianced a mild numbness spell and tunnel vision. Convinced the two might not be connected but a little worried, the midwife sent me to the Antenatal assessment unit at the hospital where i was hooked up to a machine that monitored the baby's heart beat and any possible tightening of the womb. My blood pressure was taken again and they asked to take some bloods and send them away for testing.
Quite a scary thing when you only have like, three weeks to go anyway.
So, they tell me my bloods are fine but there is cause for concern with my blood pressure and can i go back on wednesday. so back i go, hooked up to machine again and urin sample tested. I am now told there are trace amounts of protine in my urine... they are making sure i don't get pre-eclempsia. I have to give them 24 hours worth of urine samples and go back on friday.
My bloods are taken again, the baby, i am reassured, is perfectly fine, but i may have to be induced. I'm told it's likely i won't be carrying the baby to it's due date. They want to leave it for as long as possible, but it looks like i might be having this baby earlier than expected.
I'm in again on friday, as i said, so we'll see what they say then, but they're convinced in the Labour ward that my blood pressure won't get any lower and so they want to keep an eye on me. I'll be hooked up tot he machine, have my blood pressure taken, my bloods checked and i might even be admitted to hospital. It's fun trying to keep a smile on my face.
Fingers crossed everything goes well.
Whispered voices in my ear,
Death before my eyes
Lying next to me i fear.
Well, it's been a long and tiring week and it's only thursday.
The midwife appointment on monday showed my blood pressure was high and, on saturday, i had experianced a mild numbness spell and tunnel vision. Convinced the two might not be connected but a little worried, the midwife sent me to the Antenatal assessment unit at the hospital where i was hooked up to a machine that monitored the baby's heart beat and any possible tightening of the womb. My blood pressure was taken again and they asked to take some bloods and send them away for testing.
Quite a scary thing when you only have like, three weeks to go anyway.
So, they tell me my bloods are fine but there is cause for concern with my blood pressure and can i go back on wednesday. so back i go, hooked up to machine again and urin sample tested. I am now told there are trace amounts of protine in my urine... they are making sure i don't get pre-eclempsia. I have to give them 24 hours worth of urine samples and go back on friday.
My bloods are taken again, the baby, i am reassured, is perfectly fine, but i may have to be induced. I'm told it's likely i won't be carrying the baby to it's due date. They want to leave it for as long as possible, but it looks like i might be having this baby earlier than expected.
I'm in again on friday, as i said, so we'll see what they say then, but they're convinced in the Labour ward that my blood pressure won't get any lower and so they want to keep an eye on me. I'll be hooked up tot he machine, have my blood pressure taken, my bloods checked and i might even be admitted to hospital. It's fun trying to keep a smile on my face.
Fingers crossed everything goes well.
At Thursday, April 05, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Sending you lots and lots of love and hoping the tests get better soon. Sam xx
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