Angel's in flight
My sanctuary, my sanctuary, yeah
Where fears and lies melt away
Music inside
What's left of me what's left of me now
Sanctuary - Utada Hikaru
Well, i said life was boring but i was wrong. William has a sore throat and a cold and ahs been waking up groggy in the middle of the nigth. We've been giving him calprofen before bed and gave him some this morning. it certainly made him a lively little man, he's crawling all over the sofa at he moment so i'm half typing half... checking on him.. XD
There is so much rubbish on TV these days. Like late at night. I don't have time to watch it during the day. Sorry about that, just had william trying to use me to climb the sofa...lol
I've been trying to save money for the expo in may. I've made somenew friend son a forum called Anime League.net and there are a good number of poeple who i can't wait to meet and can't wait to meet me XD
At else? Oh yeah... i'm 24 in seven days time ^_^ this time next friday i should hopefull be either at woburn safari park or tycross zoo... maybe i can leave William in the monkey cage. ^_^ or take home a tiger cub. XD ahhh, i'd love a tiger. ^_~
N e who, i'm off to play with my son some more.. i just caught him eating a lazer pen... lol... He had the biggest smuggest look on his face when i asked him for it, and keeps asking for his 'dada'