Don't try this at home!

Monday, April 14, 2008

T'is your delight sir, catching fire
from one man to the next.
T'is true sir, love can still inspire,
the blood to pump the heartly pire.
what more, what more can man require but love sir.
Pretty women - Sweeney Todd.

OMG, OMG, OMG... It's april the 14th already and i haven't even CONSIDERED the cake yet. Mum's brirthday was sunday and she went to see Man united play at old trafford... So she's not shut up about that all day. V_V

William is as chatty as ever, no surprise with me as him mum ^_^. He's started saying J's... I cought him saying "jim jim jim" of course it could have just been "jmmm Jmmm Jmmm" but who cares, it sounded rigth! ^_^

Grandad will be down on the saterday, he's staying at my mums on the friday so she's anoyed about that. I've made it clear i don;t want him over till saterday. There is only so much i can take of that man...and i can say that here cause i'm NEVER going to tell him this blog exists... *dances*

OMG OMG OMG again... May is getting ever closer... and there are soo many people i'm looking forward to meeting... *blushes* i've been getting on well with some one of the guys on Anime leage and i'm not as scared about going as i was before. I know it'll be fun and, if all else fails i know at least one or two people i can hide behind.

Sam has gone to Columbia... lucky chicken... I hope you're having a blast my love... we all love and miss you... i need to arrange another visit to see dawn... The little man is ever so different now and, well, Sam's family have always been special to me... soo.... *blushes* I talk to Jon alot on MSN, though, sad to say normally two hours later i'm going to bed (he doesn't stay up too late dawn, i promise. dont go telling him off... *laughs*)

well... i better go... just thougth i'd update quickly while i remember...

Love to you all....
