Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I’ve become
Evanescence - Bring me to life
Well, i've just finished getting all the bugs outta my laptop (some... very rude wrod hacked my laptop and placed a virus in it. needless to say i was not pleased.)
It's nearly that time. yep, next month William will be a year old. ^_^
Kris and i are so happy... but the down side is he is doing a night shift friday, saturday and sunday, so he'll be sleeping on the day i planned a birthday party. I had planned on just ing out for the day with my mum and grandad since he's already invited and, dad and Tim can't make it.. so... I'll leave kris to sleep and we could do something... i'm sure Jan and laurence will undertand? *shrugs*
William is chatting away like mad these days... 'dada', 'baba', 'Jaja' (which i think is Jimmeh..i've been talking to an old friend of mine on the net and i've been telling kris and william alot about them. lol...) and he's even able to sit up un-attenteded. He's growing so fast, i still rememr that tiny little bundle that was handed to me, those gorgeous eyes staring back at me from that blanket. *sniff* Ok, i am SO not gonna cry. V_V
Well, it's late, and i am tired. plus there is no guarante that he'll slep threw tonight... V_V bless him.
TTTFN - Ta ta for now!