As conspiracies unwind,
Will you slam shut,
Or free your mind,
or stay hypnotised.
Exo - Politics: Muse
It's been a long time comin' as the song says, but William is now... how should i put this... wobbling his way round the sitting room. Several very wobbly and excited steps have been taken in the past two days... *sighs* my little boy is growing up. *chuckles*
My dad is having a 10th anniversary do on the 5th, meaning William and 40% of his possestions shall be bundled into the car and carted down to sumerset. It sounds like it may be a good party, of course we are traveling down on the friday and coming home on the sunday *easier on Will.*
Other than that there realy is nothing to tell. Kris and i are well, life goes on as it always has. We're in talks about me going back to work, but at the moment it's not needed, which means i can spend more time taking care of the lil man.
I should be making dinner, so on that note i'm off to feed my other baby *laughs*