Don't try this at home!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface
Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes

Well, Friday was the quickest visit to the hospital all week. I arrived at about ten to 3, was seen to at 3 o' clock, had my blood pressure taken and my sample checked and was getting back in the car by 10 past. My blood pressure has gone down, so they're really happy about that. No more talk of being induced (yet, but i still have three weeks) and they've asked meto go back next week, but it being Easter Weekend and the Doctor i need to see is only in on monday so i can't really go till wed/thurs.

I'm kinda hoping i have the baby sometime soon though, the breathing thing i can handle but it's getting uncomfortable just to sit in a chair. Any chair. I can't rest in a sofa, i can't sit in a recliner... i even have trouble sitting at the computer... I wanna sit in comfort!!!!!
The funny thing is that the midwife has told me the baby has turned round ready to be born, so it's bum is in my face. Tehe Bum-face. lol

Going to my friends house on Wednesday. It's been a while since i've seen her and she's back in our hometown for easter. We're gonna get together for Pizza and watch DVD's and i'm gonna show her how big my bump has grown since i saw her last. ^_^ Everyone has been having a feel, and then looking at me as if to say 'you've eaten a human'

My mum has said my bump has dropped, which is another sign that it might not be too long now. Everything is packed, the nursery is set up, the car seat is in the car and i have PJ's i can wear while i'm breast feeding, so now all i need to do is sit back, wait for the contractions to start and have the baby.

Here's to the third biggest desition of my life.
X Joey X


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