Don't try this at home!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Every breath you take, Every move you make,
Every bond you break, every step you take,
I'll be watching you.

It's my 23rd birthday today, and it feels like an ordinary day. Got £35 worth of vouchers for Marks and Spencers from my grandfather, a gorgeous birthstone fairy from my friend Louise and Stay Alive and Clue on DVD from my Husband. Not a bad turn out to be fair. Birthdays get boring the older you get. I don't really want anything and we don't really need anything, so there wasn't really much to expect.

I will say i have had to close my e-mail account on I had some problems with them so i've shut it down and am going to try and start again. If you need to contact me, my other e-mail address is and i have no problem with you contacting me there. In fact, i would love it.

I'm off to watch Never mind the Buzzcocks on Channel 2.
It funny... it make me laugh.


P.S please check this place out.!count All you have to do is type in your name and it will do the rest. It's free and it's fun!
Thank you.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It's a new day But it all feels old,
It's a good life that's what I'm told,
But everything, it all just feels the same...

It's getting close to my 31st week, which means a trip to the GP. This, unfortunatly, means i will have to have blood taken. I was supposed to have some taken at 28 weeks, but the Midwife forgot and i got off scott free (HOORAY!!!)

This blog is going to be about slightly different things. I have been watching (a lot) of old Friends Episodes on E4+1 (it's on before the Scrubs double bill) and it's been reminding me of the old days at my friends house.

There are so many brilliant moments in friends, like when Monica wears the Turkey on her head to cheer Chandler up and frightens Joey. And the time Chandler walks into the apartment to find the chick and the duck watching the cooking channel and he makes that really funny 'ahh ahh' noise. And of course, When Phoebe has the triplets and she goes for the 'mini high-fives, yay'

I just wanted to remember some smiles and laughs. I' not really sure if this blog had a purpose, but i feel better for it.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

And the Panda went...

I'm sat alone on the sofa trying to think of something to tell you. There have been no changes with the baby, i still have (counts in head) 10 weeks left (roughly two months, doesn't ound like much does it.) and when i went to see my friend kate at Next (she has a five year old son) she said i wasn't looking very big for 29/30 weeks, but i was certainly happier and glowing. I suppose loosing all that weight due to morning sickness must have helped with that.

And Kate isn't the only one who's commented on me being so un-pregnant looking. It could be cause i wear a bulky cadigan when i go out, having been used to trying to hide my stomach.
Then again, those who have seen my bump have said it's a proper baby bump... I stil can't get the feeling of being fat out of my mind. T_T I'm so insecure about my image.

Hmm, i've just scanned this and it's turning out to be a ranting blog, so i might just wrap it up before i start monologing. Oh, but the great thing is, my dad sent someone over to measure up the carpets. She's going to get in contact with my dad and they're gonna talk about prices etc. It's so great! Free carpets and a free kitchen... Ace!

Well, i'm off to watch some TV. And eat Cadbury's creme eggs... Oh yeah, yum yum.
Ciao! ^_^

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue

It's valentine's Day. Or should i say Valentine's evening. I'm tired, I'm cold and i'm home alone.
My darling husband has been at work since 1:15pm and won't be home till 9:45pm. I don't expect a card or present, but it would have been nice to spend some time with him. (I haven't slept all night in about a month, so i wasn't up till midday)

The baby is using my energy to kick me and move about. I would like to use my energy to tidy the house, but never mind. Got the chance to catch up on some gossip at Next today. Went into town town to get some food so i nipped in to say 'hi'. ^_^
They all say i don't look very pregnant. (bare in mind i'm 29 weeks gone) But i suppose that's good. I don't look fat! lol.

My dad has started the ball rolling with some carpets and a kitchen. The people sorting the carpets measured up the house yesterday so she's going to get in contact with dad about figures etc. We got loads of stuff for the nursery! Which is great! I have, like three pushchairs. One 3 way all in one crazy pushchair that is a car seat, pushchair and a carry cot?! One easily foldable pushchair for when the child is more of a toddler and one for pretty much having around incase the other two break/disappear/evaporate.
Now all i really need is the baby. T_T

Ugh! Kris has evening shifts over the weekend, so i'll be sleeping alone Friday, Saturday and Sunday. T_T It does mean he's off all day Monday and Tuesday, though Monday he'll be sleeping most of the day. O_O then again, so might i!

Well, the baby want's to beat me up so i'm gonna go get comfy on the sofa and wait for Kris to come home.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Wonder boy!
What is the secret of your power?

It's official. I think everyone in my family has contributed something to the baby. Mum has bought some toys, my dad and step mum have given me some three in one pram that i have a sneaking suspition cameode in Transformers, Aunty Adele just gave us a life time supply of baby furniture and linen, Grandad has given me a Moses Basket that my Grandma is fixing up for me, and even grandpa can sort out some of the broken wicker lining... The mother-in-law has bought me no end of baby bottles, nappies, baby grows, cotton wool buds... you can see where this is going.

I'm a little nervous, because i have to have a blood test this week and i'm not so hot on needles, (I'm sure this you know already) but the previous tests that came back are all negative, which is great to hear. Carpets in the house are being sorted, dad's taken measurements for the new kitchen and the house is starting to look less like a dumping ground. Everything is coming together nicely. ^_^

And i heard the babies heart beat for the first time on monday. It was like budumpbudumpbudumpbudumpbudump... Like a proper thumpthump. It's really fast until about three weeks after it's born then it calms down to the normal speed. It was soo cool.

I'm starting to enjoy this.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

It's time to prove to your friends that you're worth a damb
Some times that means dying,
sometimes that means killing a whole lotta people!!!
Sin City Trailer

This weekend i'm travelling T'north to visit my Aunt and Uncle. Really looking forward to it, i always enjoy seeing them. Hopefully i will come home with more baby stuff than i could possibly buy in one sitting. things like the crib, a moses basket, a baby chair, a pushchair... I don't remember the exact list, but it was long.

This does, of course, mean that kris' car has now been fixed. Everything (thank god) now works, so we can travel far away and not worry about getting stranded in the middle of the motorway with nothing but a drink of Ribena and each other. (of course we'll have our phones, so we won't be 'stranded' per say)

The baby is starting to move more. And i mean like, i've had a total of six hours sleep over the past two nights. It's not just the baby moving now, it's also pelvic pains (getting ready to push a cannon ball threw a pin hole I expect. lol)

On a different note, and i'm not sure how many of you will be interested, but it was released today that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be released on the 21st July in Waterstones and all good (and some of the bad) bookshops, internet sites and for birthday presents etc.
What do i think about the rumours J.K rowling will kill off Harry? i know she's killing two characters, wouldn't it be an exciting fight if it was both Harry and Voldemort? And will the delightful Lucius Malfoy be released from Azkaban for this book? We shall have to see.

Peace out! ^_*